Dec. 12, 1995.
Here is part three of the material I found on my computer.
I think someone sent it to me once in the form of two
3 and one half inch disks.
John Winston.
A perspective on the topic of "good" and "evil" extraterrestrials.
The subject of "good" vs. "bad" extraterrestrial civilizations has come up often lately, and I felt I would share this information with those who are interested in knowing the possibilities of our interactions with other worlds. I took the excerpts below from "Bashar: Blueprint for Change - A Message from Our Future", by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing. The book is "channeled" from an extraterrestrial by the name of Bashar, although don't let that label add to or take away from the content of the message. Bashar comes from our "future", or rather from a loving alien society that we will soon be very similar to. This is a truly amazing book with all kinds of wisdom, hope, and accurate information. There is lots more I can say from this source, but for now, here is a question and answer session about the topic at hand: (Loving thanks to you-know-who-you-are for loaning the book to me!)
Q: What about a planet with a life system that has developed with a war-like mentality, one that can enter this part of our galaxy with intentions on conquering? Will that likely happen, Bashar?
Understand that individuals with that intention do not really get very far. The idea is also that your energy as a world now has changed sufficiently so that even if there should be another civilization close at hand with intention of conquering and dominating, they would be hard pressed to even find you now. For your vibration is a little bit too different from any society that might actually will to push themselves into space with war-like intentions of coming here to take over.
Now, the idea is also that traveling in space is actually traveling within. And true, space travel is not the idea of what your technology is right now, where in a sense you are sliding around on the *surface* of space. When you understand how to breach the barriers of space and time itself, you will discover it requires a very highly integrated attitude, and a highly integrated attitude makes it very unlikely you will ever be of a war-like nature, and in fact you would not get very far if you were. For even if you were to make the attempt, you would most likely find yourselves dispersed at the other end....
The idea of war-like planets in conquering modes can and have happened, but they are usually relegated to certain levels of dimensionality. Many times that means they actually have to be in physical proximity to each other, and in our perception, not on any level is there a race of such a nature within hundreds of light years of your world. For the idea is this: now that your vibration is changing into a modality they would not even begin to be able to understand, they probably would not find you even if they looked. So in a sense, that makes *you* the most war-like planet around... and *we* have no fear of you. Therefore, in actual fact, if there were going to be any concern at all, it would probably be from our end, not yours.
Q: But aren't there wars between other planets?
If we might draw an analogy to what many of you have assumed *must* exist elsewhere in the universe, simply because it exists upon your planet....
In a sense, there are other places, and have been interactions throughout the different galaxies, that might loosely amount to what you call warfare. There have been many variations of this theme on many different worlds from time to time. You are not unique in that. But the idea many of you have perceived, which has to do with alien consciousness that may have negative intentions toward other worlds: this particular negative intention does not always manifest itself in the absolute format you would recognize as warfare.
For recognize, in many ways warfare is quite improbable in terms of galactic and stellar distances. There is rarely any need for such an idea, since there is always more than enough room for expansion, and therefore more than enough room for different ideologies. Every civilization is a different reality in many ways, and generally speaking one reality is usually experienced only by one civilization until they make agreements to share common frequencies, common wave lengths between different worlds - which then allows them to interact in various ways.
But if they do not make that agreement, then chances are they will rarely encounter other civilizations if they are not of a mind to interact with those other civilizations in mutually beneficial ways... unless they wish to lure themselves to civilizations that as a whole are choosing to function as victims, and draw to themselves - out of their fears, out of their doubts - the idea of a conquering civilization. However, even this notion is usually not able to be played out in your typical fashion of warfare and domination. For, as we said earlier, the stellar distances make this very improbable.
Do recognize also that although it may seem symbolically like planets are being conquered, none can be conquered if they do not vibrate to the idea that they *can* be. And thus you will find that the so-called best safeguard to the idea is to simply know you are not of that vibration, that idea. And they, not being of the same reality, will never find you. If they should come to what represents - to them - your planet, it will not - to them - seem to be at all inhabited.
So the idea, more often than not, of what could be considered a conquering race, and a conquered race - to use the terms loosely - would be simply the willingness of the conquered to give up their power completely to the conqueror, to allow their lives to be run by someone else, and to have all their power removed and all the responsibility for the creation of their lives taken from them. But not taken without their consent, for it cannot happen without that consent.
Thus the type of warfare that has occurred in this sense has simply been one of a people succumbing to an idea and allowing themselves to fall in line, to fall under the domination and the auspices of another civilization successfully using the idea of seduction to lure that civilization under their banner. The "conquering" civilization then is able to increase its numbers and increase its strength very literally by talking the other civilization into allowing themselves to be dominated. They can do this by taking responsibility for their needs, by pretending to take care of those needs, and by removing from them in the process all of their ability to know and believe they can create their own lives as they choose them to be.
This is the type of warfare that is more common. Is is a mental idea, a psychic idea, in that sense. But even that, in our experience, is a relatively uncommon thing. For not *that* many civilizations we have encountered are that willing to forget who and what they are to the degree where they would attract such a liaison with another civilization that would even *want* that type of dominion over other worlds. Both of these ideas are relatively rare in our experience.
All the ideas of what you now represent to be war-like projections into space are, for the most part, in your long distant past. Do understand something: though we are not saying the scenario that has been painted in literal terms is actually literal, the idea of your science fiction stories - particularly the one you call *Star Wars* - did carry with it one of the strongest insights of all, and that is that you were told it was a long time ago. For indeed it no longer has anything really to do with your present. At least not, as you say, in your neck of the woods! It is a representation of the old cycle of negativity, and a connection to many other star systems through which you have come. It was simply applied to a future format.
Q: Bashar, my understanding is that some of those space beings, such as those connected to the dark side of Orion, are hostile to Earth and Earthlings.
We will discuss this idea with you if you will first understand that the idea of any consciousness which could be said to be negatively oriented can only form connections with individuals who believe that those supposedly negative individuals have the power to force connections of that nature upon them. In other words, only your fear and concern that they may have that type of power will actually give them the power necessary to form a link with anyone in your civilization. Otherwise just recognize that there are many so-called negative individuals and negative consciousness in many other worlds, just as there are many negatively oriented individuals on your own planet.
It does not mean that they must interact with you. And if you are willing to be the vibration, the frequency, and the attitude of the perspective of the reality you choose to be, then they will not be able to intercept your reality. Recognize that the primary idea of negativity is not specifically isolated to the constellation you refer to as Orion; it does involve many other systems throughout the local galaxy.
As we have said, many of the individuals on your planet now are literally reincarnated Orions, and they have formed a connection to that origin point, so to speak, reincarnating upon Earth to allow themselves to learn the balance point of the positive and negative polarities so that they can create only positive manifestation in their lives. They can switch themselves to a frequency that is out of reach of the former negativity that was inherent in the original parent systems of the Orion area.
You will find that time and space being what they are, and all things being simultaneous, some of these original Orion negative consciousnesses still have the ability to be picked up on be whichever individuals on your planet may still choose to function along the same old style frequency - time and space not being a barrier to the idea of telepathic contact on any level.
However, it is also important to recognize that many of the individuals of the Orion influence, or "persuasion," have been, and are now, allowing themselves to crystallize into a very balanced idea of polarity. In the original home systems that energy in turn has allowed them to now be the creation and existence of light as well as negativity.
Therefore, it would be our advice and our suggestion to you that you simply do not focus on the idea that there are negative beings who exist in the universe - other than those who exist on your own planet - that could perhaps interact with you against your will, and focus on the reality you choose to be. Then, by the fact that you will be on a different frequency, this will place you completely beyond the reach of anyone who is not on the same loving frequency.
Q: Well then, how do we stop wars and have a peaceful planet?
Please understand that if you believe in peace, then you do not have to hate war. YOU DO NOT GET PEACE BY HATING WAR; YOU GET PEACE BY LOVING PEACE. Hate only reinforces the things you say you do not prefer, because that's what you are focusing on. *Be* peace; *live* peace. *Breathe* peace; *Share* peace. Love, unconditional love, will transform your entire world in the twinkling of an eye. UNCONDITIONAL love for all.
Part 3.
John Winston.